Welcome to AuSumness.
We are continuing our posts on possible ways to help reduce the symptoms of autism. Last time we gave a few tips on the importance of diet, especially whilst pregnant. This time, we will look more closely at the gluten free diet.
Omitting gluten from our diet can and has helped many people with autism. There has been a lot of research given to this. From the information I have been reading over the years, this has justified my thoughts that each and every person with autism is completely different and what works for one may not work for another. Until we know exactly how one acquires autism it is essential that we look at all perspectives.
I'm simply providing a regurgitation of information in hopes of giving an unbiased and educationally sound direction for readers to proceed in hopes of eradicating or at least minimising autistic symptoms.
Gluten are natural proteins found in wheat, barely, rye and triticale. Not all grains contain gluten. Oats, buckwheat, quinoa and several other grains are gluten free. However, these non gluten grains can be contaminated during processing. Check out this link for more information on foods containing and NOT containing gluten. It's crucial to consider the foods than CAN be consumed rather than getting caught up on the food that cannot.
Gluten is not bad for everyone and I've read repeatedly, that if there is no celiac disease or physical intolerance for gluten, that it is recommended to not omit gluten from your diet because the chance increases for nutrient deficiencies.
Irritable bowel syndrome can also be caused from gluten consumption. Gluten is high in starches and sugars that can cause bloating, cramping and diarrhea. Get a feel for bowel issues with yourself or with your children and see if after the consumption of gluten, if there are intestinal problems. Fatigue and joint pain can also be associated with gluten. If you or your family members are illy affected by gluten, consult your doctor and see if removing gluten from the diet will help. There are tests.
You may be asking yourself, what ones bowels have to do with autism? There is an amazing connection between our bowels and our brains. Gluten and casein foods contain peptides and during the breakdown and absorption process, these peptides are not being broken down completely in some people. This can cause a bio chemical and neuro regulatory disruption in the process of the peptide break down. A simple pee pee test would show a significant number in peptides.
This would be considered an alternative treatment and as far as I read the only real risk is that of the nutrient deficiencies which could be addressed and substituted with guidance from health and nutritional professionals.
An abnormal gut flora such as mentioned above has been implicated in autism over and over providing the example of the significant importance of a healthy or finely tuned diet to assist with the reduction of autistic symptoms. Probiotics and prebiotics are known to help improve the integrity of the gut mucosa as well.
There are many ways that we can safely try to help heal our autistic friends and family. As mentioned above, the removal of gluten and casein from the diet is one treatment ideal as is the introduction of pre and probiotics.
These bad or sick guts are toxic. This toxicity of the bowels is preventing the brain's normal function. Are you asking the question again? How does the gut have anything to do with the brain? Apparently and to my surprise, because I am NOT a professional, there are neurons in our gastrointestinal system. The enteric nervous system and I might just be a complete geek but found this part of the research absolutely awesome, is this enteric nervous system is embedded in the walls of our gastrointestinal tract also connected with the central nervous and digestive systems. So there you can physiologically see the connection! It's even called the second brain! So the gut can upset the brain just like the brain the gut. Wow!
Ever heard the phrase, worried sick? Our brains can certainly mess with our digestion and guess what? The gut can mess with the brain as well. Ever had gut feelings? It's because, like the brain, our gut has neurotransmitters, proteins and a network of neurons. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine are also found in the gut. Wow! Mind boggling! There are even psychoactive chemicals in there for goodness sake. So now, you can top asking the question of how it is possible that the gut can have an affect on our brains.
I hope this wasn't too technical of an entry. It's just that I'm ALWAYS laughed at by psychologists, doctors and other medical professionals when I mention how a change in diet might help reduce my boy's autistic symptoms.
We ARE what we eat.
If you'd like to join me in some chatter or have friendly, helpful advice, join us in our group on Facebook.
We will be back next week with the removal of dairy as a means of help.
Best of luck!
Monday, January 16, 2017
Possible Solutions For Reducing The Symptoms Of Autism

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