Welcome to AuSumness.
When we're not talking about the awesome side of autism then we're looking for awesome ways to deal with the sometimes difficult symptoms of autism.
Today, we're going to start talking about teaching children with autism and we plan on bringing more and more tips to help teachers do their job to their best ability as well as provide links for further eduction.
Speaking of further education, through my own personal, professional experience. I probably learned the most about "how" to teach after university, through further education classes whilst being a teacher. It is crucial that we continue to read and research the best ways to teach our children and students. It's also very important that we share our findings. Especially, the ones with positive outcomes.
There are a lot of tools out there and we need to find and disperse them throughout the teaching community and to families where the methods will also work. Let's start right here, today!
I'm dismayed at how little education college students receive about special needs students. With the ever increasing rate of children diagnosed with autism and ADHD it should be mandatory that higher education establishments as well as all schools begin giving teachers and future teachers the tools necessary to successfully and professionally educate students with special needs. This is even more crucial when special need students are sitting in regular classes.
Would you give a $50 steak to someone who doesn't even know how to turn on a stove?
I saw a lot of beginning teachers struggle with children who didn't even have special needs or any kind of Individual Education Program. The school staff should work together to see that all teachers have the basic knowledge of how to teach and how to deal with disruptive and difficult behaviour. This would result in better performing teachers as well as less interruptions in the class, benefiting the class as well.
Higher education should definitely be in the forefront of equipping their students with the best tools to use in the classrooms or work environments. How to effectively communicate and deal with difficult or different people. These institutions should be the leading example. So much research that is done throughout the world on education is being ignored or dismissed despite the positive outcomes.
Things like uniforms, separating the sexes, free time, meal time, school start time...so many schools are doing it all wrong. We keep thinking we have to reinvent the wheel rather than look over the fence and see what our neighbours are doing that is working.
What I'm also finding is that many of these skills will work with ALL people, not just those who fall on the spectrum. We will all become better equipped to deal with day to day situations by learning how to deal with difficult or different behaviours.
If no one is holding your hand and guiding you, then take the reins and do it yourself! There is a wealth of information out there. It's literally right there at our finger tips. When we find awesome stuff that works, we need to share it. Share it with your friends and family. Share it with your colleagues.
Let's make it our goal to educate ourself and those around us. Let's share information when it's helpful. Let's look into how our neighbours are doing it and see if it might work for us, too. Let's show the world, through our example.
We'll be coming back to this subject very often. Next time, we start sharing tips that work in the class as well as at home.
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Best of luck!
Monday, April 3, 2017
Teaching And Autism
where to start

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